Sunday, March 20, 2011

How Many Teachers' Salaries or Years of Funding NPR Does Launching a Tomahawk Missile Cost Us?

March 20, 2011 04:30 AM
By Heather

I guess now that we've decided we can afford to help with air strikes against another country that has a lot of oil that we might be concerned about, we can continue to tell the tax payers that we're broke and cannot afford to pay for those horrible entitlement programs that you working slugs were expecting like your Social Security and your Medicaid programs. And never mind raising taxes on the "job creators" because their needs must be met at all times whether they're creating jobs overseas for slave wages or anywhere for that matter. If you're a corporation that does business in the United States, you must be coddled to.

And you stinking low life union thugs must STFU if you don't like any of this, because you of course are the source of all of our problems and draining the taxpayers in America of their hard earned money. And if you're a dirty f-king hippie organization like NPR, you must be defunded because we can't have our taxpayer dollars being spent on any evil liberal ideology being spread around to the rural areas of the country.

And of course we can afford this it it ever means raising taxes on the rich. From my buddy Scarce who helps me here and shared this with our group.

Deep Thought -- U.S. fires 110 tomahawk missiles, each costs $569,000. That's more than 5 years of NPR federal funding in less than an hour.

We've got to have our priorities, don't you know.

I am really disgusted with what's been going on in Libya and Gadhafi's actions, but am also really cynical about our decision to go in there. We're supporting dictators that are as bad as Gadhaifi and treating their citizens just as badly, but we're not doing anything about that or helping to overturn those regimes.

If the uprisings in the Middle East and Africa don't start a conversation about what's wrong with our foreign policy and what we can and cannot to pay for at home and what we should and should not be supporting, I don't know what will.

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