Tuesday, April 19, 2011

10,000 Students Take to DC Streets, Calling for Action on Climate & BP Spill

by Brian Merchant, Brooklyn, New York


Photo credit: Jamie Henn, 350.org

I spent the weekend in DC at Powershift -- an important event that brings together thousands of students, community leaders, and activists from around the nation -- watching the next wave of the youth climate movement grow. There were amazing speeches from Van Jones, Bill McKibben, and Tim DeChristopher, as well as appearances by Al Gore and EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson. Today, the event culminates in real action -- thousands of those activists are now taking to the streets to confront Congress and the White House on climate inaction. They're also stopping at the US Chamber of Commerce -- the nation's biggest anti-climate lobbying force -- and BP headquarters to call out the oil giant for filing a multibillion dollar tax refund on its spill cleanup expenses. Check out some amazing pics from the front lines of the march:

Amazing photos of the event are streaming in from activists using Twitpic, and these are just a few. Follow the #powershift on Twitter for more.

Here's a demonstration in front of the US Chamber of Commerce:

Photo via @GZornick via Twitpic

And here's a cool overhead shot of the activists marching down the streets of DC:

Photo credit: earonne via Instagram

Powershift marchers headed for Congress, despite the rain:

Photo credit: Ryan Olson via Twitpic

And here's a shot from the protest at BP headquarters, shortly before the execs inside drew the blinds:

Photo credit: doyoucopyover via Yfrog

It's pretty amazing -- 10,000 young, engaged activists spread across DC, calling for climate action and better democracy. But guess what the nation's mainstream news outlets are lending their coverage to instead?

Screenshot of CNN, which has yet to cover the march, snapped by Ben Wessel

It's an inspiring event, and precisely the sort of action that needs to start kicking into high gear if we're to make any significant progress in the fight for clean energy and a livable climate in the near future. The youth are revved up and ready to fight against corporate interests, big polluters, and opportunistic politicians.

Sing it, Powershift ...


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